News dalla rete ITA

18 Aprile 2024

Hong Kong


Twelve core recommendations given to govt on fast-tracking digital economy development Promoting the shared use of 5G infrastructure among operators and exploring the feasibility of developing an official mobile payment portal via FPS and “iAM Smart” are among the 12 core recommendations submitted to the government by the Digital Economy Development Committee. The recommendations are divided into five categories: strengthening Hong Kong's overall digital policy, strengthening digital infrastructure for a robust digital economy, promoting data as the key driver of the digital economy, expediting digital transformation, and developing a sustainable talent strategy. The committee recommends the government enhance governance for better policy formulation and implementation in two years and review existing regimes to strengthen data governance and enhance security and protection in three to five years. The committee also recommends that the government consolidate existing infrastructural support in three to five years to enhance connectivity, scalability, and convenience for the expanding digital economy. Under this recommendation, the committee suggests promoting shared use of 5G infrastructure among operators and considering incentives for comprehensive 5G indoor coverage. It also suggests establishing and promulgating standards for data centers, further promoting the adoption of FPS in the business-to-consumer market, and exploring the feasibility of developing an official mobile payment portal by leveraging FPS and “iAM Smart”. The committee also recommends authorities make more data available to facilitate data flow within Hong Kong by encouraging and providing incentives to the private and public sectors to open up more data and promote the benefits of open data. The government is advised to establish clear guidelines and frameworks for data sharing and to extend the coverage of the commercial data interchange and the consented data exchange gateway to other sectors. As for facilitating cross-boundary data flow, the government should undertake initiatives to support the facilitation of data exchange and cooperation with the mainland and other trading partners worldwide. The committee at last recommended that the government devise a holistic workforce strategy to attract, retain, and cultivate digital talent and enhance the digital literacy and competency of the community in three to five years. (ICE HONG KONG)

Fonte notizia: South China Morning Post